My mantra as I enter my 35th year:
Just Show Up.
Whether we feel motivated, inspired, excited or not.
Just Show Up.
Whether the muses have graced us with their presence & spirit.
Just Show Up.
Whether we feel exhausted, elated, exalted, or energized beyond all imagination.
Just Show Up.
Whether the world is on fire or flooding throughout.
Whether the crowds are cheering our support all about.
Whether we believe or whether we doubt.
Just Show Up.
Choose what is worth showing up for: Day after day Week after week Year after year Life after life
One moment One choice One breath at a time
Just Show Up.
Reflections for Growth
Catching Your Wave: In what areas of your life do you need to "catch the wave"? How can you balance waiting with readiness, ensuring you are poised to act when the right moment arrives?
Embodying Poise: Reflect on the word “poise.” How can you practice this quality not only in moments of decision but in your day-to-day life, maintaining calm and readiness throughout?
Cultivating Peace in Action: How can you move from a state of peace to purposeful action? In which areas of your life have you tended to wait a bit too long before taking action and in what areas do you feel most poised to make that shift?